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March 2013 (100 Companies) [Vol 22, Issue 3]

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Access Innovations, Inc., Jay Ven Eman CEO, View From the Top

Empolis, Dr. Stefan Wess CEO, View From the Top

Mindbreeze, Daniel Fallmann, Managing Director: View From the Top

Accusoft, Jack Berlin Founder, President & CEO: View From the Top

Altep, Inc., Warren G. Kruse II CISSP, CFCE,EnCE, DFCP Vice President of Data Forensics: View From The Top

AnyDoc Software, Samuel Schrage President: View From the Top

Colligo, Barry Jinks President, CEO & Founder: View From the Top

Comintelli, Jesper Martell CEO: View From the Top

Connotate, Keith Cooper CEO: View From the Top

Content Analyst Company, Kurt Michel, President & CEO: View From the Top

FTI Technology, Seth Rierson Global Practice Leader: View From the Top

FuzeDigital, Chuck Van Court, CEO and Founder: View From the Top

kCura, Andrew Sieja, CEO: View From the Top

KnowledgeLake, Ron Cameron, CEO: View From the Top

Noetix Corporation, Morris Beton, President & CEO: View From the Top

PPC, Harry Thornsvard, President and CEO: View From the Top

Q-Sensei, Ute Rother, CEO: View From the Top

Rivet Logic, Mike Vertal, President & CEO: View From the Top

San Jose State University SLIS, Sandra Hirsh, PhD Professor and Director: View From the Top

SDL - Content Management Technologies, Jan Jaap Kolleman, CEO, Content Management Technologies Division: View From the Top

Summit 7 Systems, Scott Edwards, President and Managing Partner: View From the Top

X1 DISCOVERY, John Patzakis, President and CEO: View From the Top


Health information exchanges support disaster preparedness

"In October 2012 when Hurricane Sandy struck New York City, the New York eHealth Collaborative (NYeC) was as ready as an organization can be, given that the storm was considered a "500-year" event. The New York eHealth Collaborative has the largest ‘queryable' medical database in the country. It includes records for 14 million New York residents."

Knowledge-sharing platforms emerge from life science research collaboration

"Clouds and portals are the new ecosystems and interfaces in this new world."

Lenders bank on mortgage compliance software

"If the bank complies with the regulations and can demonstrate that it has done so, then it is not vulnerable to allegations of predatory lending practices or other detrimental activities."

KMWorld 100 Companies That Matter in Knowledge Management

"With the juggernaut of consolidation growing ever louder since we first put this list together in 2000, you'd think identifying a hundred companies that matter in knowledge management would be increasingly easier to assemble, right? Heck, it simply follows that with fewer companies to choose from, it would be simpler to pick 100. Not at all. It's harder than ever because of the increasing cross-functionality of today's solutions. "

News Analysis

Three amazing reshapes for 2013: A new spin on classic search

..."Can companies that are based on traditional information retrieval foundations compete against specialist firms with purpose-built big data systems? Can a traditional search vendor play in the trend-setting big data world?..."

KM Asia: The top 10 takeaways

"A KM challenge today is dealing with volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity."


David Weinberger

Academic writing

"But knowledge isn't a big pile of facts..."

The Future of the Future

The curious case of a broken crumb trail

"When trying to decide "which," be sure to document "why."

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